Premium Services
Premium Services may be scheduled with Modern Magickian at your convenience. If you require something more specific please make an enquiry.
Tarot Readings
Modern Magickian is highly regarded for his tarot readings within the occult community. He favours unique decks and spreads – some of which he has created himself, such as his latest offering; Devil Dice.

Devil Dice
Conceived by Modern Magickian, Devil Dice lifts the veil in a given area of your life – revealing the energies and spirits involved, timeframes and practical advice for approaching the situation.
The reading utilises the Thoth and Occult Tarot, referencing the zodiac, Qliphoth (Kabbalah) and the chakras.
Inspired by RPG nostalgia, polyhedral dice are used in conjunction with these frameworks to provide additional clarity – even incorporating pendulum techniques with the die rolls themselves.
In keeping with the theme, you will receive a three page PDF writeup – beautifully styled as character sheets!
5-Star Rated and absolute discretion guaranteed.

Tarot of Shadows
PLEASE NOTE: Two readings are offered with the elusive Tarot of Shadows deck. Please select the relevant reading when making a booking! They are both 11-card spreads and priced identically.
>Pentagram Read provides deep insight into current blockages in your life and identifies how to overcome them.
>Personality Profile Read reveals your deepest personality traits. Optionally, you may ask on behalf of another person. Also available for couples at a discounted rate.
A detailed, two page PDF writeup will be emailed to you after the read, along with a photo of the spread.
5-Star Rated and absolute discretion guaranteed.
Real Results
Mark is a highly talented occultist. The insight that his reading discovered in my life was on point. I am grateful for his knowledge and for his advice. What he discovered is what I needed to hear rather than what I wanted to hear. From the start of the reading, I was shocked! He saw something that nobody else saw. I recommend his work with two thumbs up! Thank you Mark.

Chakra Healing
Over the course of 2 weeks, you will learn about the major chakras and systematically identify personal blockages. These are noted, discussed and revisited later in the course.
Once blockages are identified, Modern Magickian leads you through exercises specifically designed to remove them – utilising audio balancing meditations and supplementary material.
While most courses help you identify issues, few offer practical techniques to assist with the daily challenges of life. Modern Magickian teaches you powerful Hermetic techniques that have withstood the test of time (around 2,000 years!)
Personal goals are set to establish positive habits and keep you focused. Although you will be challenged, time is scheduled for complete rest.
Applicants are considered on a case-per-case basis and you must agree to commiting to a 2 week schedule.
Absolute discretion is guaranteed.
Magickal Mentoring
Modern Magickian is known for his genuine desire to help others grow in every area of their lives.
Magickal Mentoring provides weekly support and challenges for those who are serious about taking their spiritual Ascent to the next level. Practical tasks are set in alignment with the goals of the individual, while assessing progress on a weekly basis.
Example topics for study include Hermetics, Kabbalah, Astrology, Philosophy, Ceremonial Magick, Shadow Work, the Left Hand Path, Chakras, Tarot, Numerology, Astrology and Astral Work.
Applicants are considered on a case-by-case basis and you must commit to a weekly time slot. Spaces are strictly limited.
Absolute discretion is guaranteed.

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